$Id: TODO,v 1.9 2004/11/22 21:36:08 karl Exp $ Document var substitution to pg_sendquery Document pg_sendquery_prepared Set up error code when returning errors from postgres stuff. Return postgres status like {POSTGRES PGRES_EMPTY_QUERY} or whatever. Go through all possible C library calls to investigate a Postgres result and make sure they're supported. Make a cursor-like thing that sits on top of postgres results. It's "reusable", because it knows to close out the previous result when it's being handed a new result. Fix up new asynchronous operation stuff to use applicable Tcl internals. Make a new command that uses the async interface but waits behind your back through the tcl event loop, something like pg_query $conn query resultVar {resultCode} It iterates the resultCode for each result found, automatically clearing the result at the end of each iteration. X add -list and -llist options to return list in pg_result - add introspection commands? e.g. to return the connection handles, or result handles Possibly implement a notice processor that will allow us to catch reporting of notice and warning messages generated by libpq. These are normally just dumped to stdout. Add pg_trace and pg_untrace or equivalent to trace client/server communication to a debugging file stream. DONE Make configure script use or have an option to use "pg_config --includedir" to find the postgres includes and "pg_config --libdir" to find the postgres libraries. DONE Support for asynchronous operation. DONE Stubify the build. DONE Make the build TEA-compliant, including DONE Document pg_execute. DONE Document pg_on_connection_loss. DONE Document new asynchronous operation stuff. DONE Add support for PQsendQueryParams (parameter substitution to asynchronous queries.) DONE Add support for PQsendQueryPrepared (parameter substitution to prepared statements as asynchronous queries.)