t1lib for Debian ---------------- This package has been created from scratch using debhelper. It contains four binary packages: * shared library - libt1-5 * development files - libt1-5-dev * font-related binary utils - t1lib5-bin * documentation - libt1-5-doc However you can read in upstream's README that t1lib is completely independent of X11, you should know that package provides also libt1x library which contains X11 pixmap support. That's why it requires a bunch of X-libraries installed. If you consider this as a bad behavior, please discuss it on debian-devel list. NOTE: The old 't1lib0' package will *remove* /etc/t1lib/ and its contents if you purge it. Since this package is now obsolete, there is no good solution for this; you must back up your font database and config file if you wish to preserve them. Sorry... This package has been previously maintained by David Huggins-Daines, great thanks to him for his good job. -- Artur R. Czechowski , Tue, 11 Nov 2003 13:31:48 +0100