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Debian Python Policy
Chapter 4 - Programs Embedding Python

4.1 Building Embedded Programs

Programs which embed a Python interpreter must declare a Build-Depends on pythonX.Y-dev, where pythonX.Y is the python version the program builds against. It should be the current default python version unless the program doesn't work correctly with this version.

4.2 Embedded Python Dependencies

Dependencies for programs linking against the shared Python library will be automatically created by dpkg-shlibdeps. The libpythonX.Y.so.Z library the program is built against is provided by the pythonX.Y package.

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Debian Python Policy


Neil Schemenauer nas@debian.org
Matthias Klose doko@debian.org
Gregor Hoffleit flight@debian.org
Josselin Mouette joss@debian.org
Joe Wreschnig piman@debian.org