#8927, #10059, #25816: discuss with xinetd maintainer to have a nice solution #24043: do not only look at service name, but also to protocal (tcp/udp) #24543: points to #24340 which is gone? #33797: seems to ask for replace instead of add? #53396: debconf messages still confusing? #64874: improve documentation? #168847: improve documentation/add replace? #179318: close as debconf is used since some time... #207892: merge with #53396? #245517: don't act if the conf file doesn't exist #322528: investigate issue by reproducing given test case #430849: implement hostname/address prefix mgmt #161532: implement spawning rate support #212540: improve documentation about update-inetd not being a sysadmin tool #261711: merge with #53396? #307697: merge with #53396? #311111: improve documentation about --remove? #344139: close as debconf is used since some time... #374542: document support for --group combined with --add or --remove? #123929: include po4a support for the manpage? #45334: merge with #161532? #63210: investigate if disabling with one kind of comment and enabling with another would have an acceptable result #63504: don't touch file if no change is needed #74339: implement status inquiry #82875: merge with #74339? #131889: verbose is not verbose, can maybe use the status inquiry feature request #159366: merge with #33797? #236917: close as proper debconf support is enabled?