@(#) README 1.8 9/1/91 23:32:37 This is a SYSV/SunOS4 getty program with useful features for hardwired and dial-in tty lines. - The program adapts the tty modes to parity bits and to erase, kill end-of-line and upper-case characters when it reads a login name. - The baud rate can be established by BREAK character processing and by parsing the CONNECT status messages from Hayes-compatible modems. Other features: RTS/CTS flow control (SunOS4, suggested by John Harkin, ), alternate login program, does not use /etc/gettytab or /etc/gettydefs. The program works without modification under System V release 2 and SunOS 4.1/4.1.1. It probably also works with later System V releases. In the Makefile you will have to specify whether diagnostics should be reported through the syslog daemon; the alternative is that all error reports go directly to /dev/console. The command-line interface was cleaned up a bit; it is slightly incompatible with earlier getty versions. Wietse Venema (wietse@wzv.win.tue.nl)